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Many fleets, both public and private, unknowingly undermine the usefulness of their vehicles or cost themselves thousands in unnecessary repairs because of improperly stored vehicles. Always one step ahead, Thompsons Transport in Cliffdale, KwaZulu-Natal commissioned the build and installation of a steel storage shed to serve as a storage facility for machinery, vehicles and equipment.

The size of the structure sits at 20 x 30 x 4.5, with a sheeting spec of  0.47mm IBR 686 ZincAL which provides an even longer service life and extends the durability of modern coated steel. The roof was finished with a single coat of QD Enamel as it protects interior and exterior steel surfaces with an exceptionally high gloss for a long-lasting finish. The 12-degree pitch in the roof allows for a steady fall for rainwater to be harvested into storage tanks and used later. 

While there was no need for ventilation, as one side of the structure is completely open, we did install Alucushion for insulation as it formed part of the ceiling finish. The project was completed on time and met all client expectations to the letter. Thank you to Thompsons Transport for the opportunity to produce yet another successful build.



2020 Brew by Coffee Creative Studio