Projects >

Structure Size:15 x 120 x 6
Date:October 2020
Sheeting Spec:0.47 IBR Slate
Roof Pitch: 12 Degrees
Insulation: Alucushion
Steel Finish Spec: Grey Etch Primer

This portal frame 15 x 120 x6terraced style structure is situated in the heart of Willowton. This structure serves as mini factories as shown in the photo’s as well as video footage. You can see that due to the gradient of the land we had to raise each unit to accommodate the gentle slope. Ampasheets were used on the sides to allow as much natural light in as possible saving energy.The sheeting used was 0.47mm IBR in Slate with a roof pitch of 12 degrees allowing for a steady fall for future water harvesting.The steelwork was finished in grey etch primer and the insulation of choice was alucushion .This was a great project which given the space will add a tremendous amount of value in the years to come.

2020 Brew by Coffee Creative Studio